Tuesday 8 August 2017


HEY! Its been awhile since my last post about the interview.  I was very busy these days. Okay guys, have you heard about LANGIT DENGKIL? Or #DengkilPerform ? yeah the one that is so famous on Twitter yang depa duk kecoh tu. And because of that my batch changed it to #DengkilJeAda . sounds much better. Hahaha the reasons why I wanna tell you about Dengkil is because I’ve missed Dengkil so muchπŸ’—.  Do you what to know why is DENGKIL  get so famous even tho you’ve never  heard that place before?  Okay meh nak habaq
      The first time I heard the word ‘Dengkil’ was last year. I’ve been offered to pursue my studies in Dengkil. So I was like “ Where is Dengkil?” baru tahu yang Dengkil tu kat Selangor. Masa sampai Dengkil tu dah cuak dah like “ is this Dengkil?”πŸ’’ because there’s a lot of bangla there. Besides Dengkil is not a city. There’s no shopping mall no cinemas. Its has nothing. I was thinking how am I going to live here? Its so quiet. Sebab belakang UiTM tu lombong. And its so dark at night. No lights at all. I was about to cry. Cewwah tu tipu. But, during the orientation week the pmds keep telling us that Dengkil is awesome la, you will fall in love with Dengkil la and so on. Macam yeke?πŸ˜• But at the end, its true.  Yes, it is true there’s no shopping mall or cinemas in Dengkil but I guarantee that you’d fall in love with the view of Dengkil. I loved to go to the Bangunan Pentadbiran level  11. You could see everything from there. IT IS SO BEAUTIFUL😍. NO LIES. I am someone who likes city lights. From my room I could see the city lights. Memang bertuah la. For girls la. For boys macam tak tahu la nak cakap bertuah ke tak sebab kolej Tualang kat belakang. Tapi walaupun kolej tualang jauh nun kat belakang tu budak-budak lelaki masih ringankan langkah depa pi Pusat Islam kat depan *nak amek hati*πŸ˜™ hahaha at night memang sunyi. During weekends jangan la cakap . nak cari uber grab agak susah sebab tu je waktu kitaorg keluar. The best thing I like about UiTM Dengkil is there is pasar malam kat depann! So takde la jemu makan benda sama tiap hari. OH! SHAWARMA! IT IS MY FAV WHEN I WAS IN DENGKIL. Im not a good story teller BUT I JUST WANNA TELL YOU THAT DENGKIL IS REALLY AWESOME. I met a lot of friends there.  Good housemates that’s so funny.  We made noises sampai budak bilik bawah jerit suruh diam. Stay up late because we want to watch movie together. Memang best la.

     As for my classmates , YOU GUYS ARE DAEBAK!  AM REALLY GRATEFUL TO HAVE YOU GUYS AS MY CLASSMATES. WE WENT FOR ‘BONDING TIME’ DURING OUR STUDY WEEK IN SEM 1 AND WENT FOR LUNCH IN SEM 2. YEAH YOU GUYS ARE SO SUPPORTING! Always help each other. Support each other, motivate and encourage each other. Rindu pulak. For boys, selalu layan kepala otak budak perempuan hahahaha. And girls, selalu menyenangkan hati.  Thanks guys for the memories!

     WHAT? LECTURERS? they are all nice! dont have to worry about that. alaa chill je. at first memang malu-malu tapi bila dah selesa dengan lecturer senang je semua, jumpa kat anjung tegur. lagi best kalau lecturer ingat nama. bersyukur weh bila lecturer ingat nama. hahahaha tak semua lecturer tau nak ingat nama hang tau. plus bila note dah keluar kat iLEARN tu terus pi print. kang lecturer marah kata lecturer garang πŸ˜›

See?  It’s a valuable, priceless and unforgettable experiences. Its not only in dengkil. Everywhere you go try to make a good memories so that you wont forget it and feels happy every time you recall it. πŸ’•



Friday 16 June 2017



     Any fun story to tell? Ermm I don’t know. What if I tell you about an interview I’ve attended lately? It was an university interview. For my interview it was MMI or known as Multi Mini Interview. Don’t be afraid. Its not tough actually. All you need is knowledge and be well-prepared. Okay, lets begin.

     I’d to remind you to come early during your interview day. Do a lot of research about the course of your interview. Find out about the university. If it is one of the lead university in the country try to find the reasons.

     For MMI there will be checkpoints. During my interview there were 10 checkpoints all together. Biasanya interview  ni panel akan tanya “TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF” “WHY DID YOU CHOOSE THIS UNIVERSITY?” “WHY DO WE HAVE TO CHOOSE YOU FOR THIS COURSE?” “ WHAT IS YOUR MAIN POINT?” “ WHAT  IS YOUR WEAKNESS?” dan banyak lagi. To be safe, prepare je la soalan2 macam tu. Make sure you already have the answer for the question. Jangan cari soalan je jawapan tak prepare nanti kelam kabut masa interview. Cari kat internet tentang experience of being interviewed. Trust me it will help you a lot.

     First of all , come early so you can prepare anything before the interview session. Make sure you bring all the documents. Masa interview saya, kitaorang kena berkumpul then daftar. Lepas daftar kitaorang dibahagikan kepada dua group. I was in the second group. Once the first group finished their interview the second group will continue. Okay then kitaorang diberikan taklimat about MMI. Just briefing. After that the interview begins!

     MMI ada checkpoints. 10 checkpoint. 7 checkpoint active 3 checkpoint rehat. Every checkpoint was given about 7 minutes. So masa checkpoint rehat tu korang duduk je. Or you can write anything on the booklet. They will provide you a booklet just in case you wanna write your thought or what so ever. Okay 7 checkpoint active tu ada yang kena jawab fully in English/Malay and ada yang bagi pilihan to answer it whether in malay or English. Yang checkpoint ada pilihan nak jawab dlm bahasa inggeris or bahasa melayu tu better jawab dalam bahasa yang senang korang nak cakap. If you’re confident to answer in English then go on. Kalau tak confident, jawab je dalam bahasa melayu. Bukan dapat markah tambahan pon kalau jawab dalam bahasa inggeris.

Okay here are the list of questions during my interview:
  • 1.       Kawan anda Mi ingin bertemu dengan kawan baiknya Ti. Rupa-rupanya Ti ingin meminjam duit Mi. Pada mulanya Mi bersetuju untuk meminjamkan duit kepada Ti tetapi kemudian dia membatalkan niatnya dan meminta anda berjumpa dengan Ti bagi pihaknya untuk memberitahu perkara tersebut. Lakonnya watak anda sebagai kawan kepada Mi dan jelaskan kepada Ti tentang perkara tersebut.
  • 2.       Seorang pesakit menghadapi kesukaran untuk bernafas dan dikejarkan ke hospital pada pukul 4 pagi. Sewaktu di hospital suasana sangat sibuk dan semua doktor sibuk merawat pesakit. Seorang doktor datang merawat pesakit tadi dan mendapati pesakit tersebut sudah 5 tahun tidak menghadiri rawatan susulan lalu memarahi pesakit tersebut. Gambarkan perasaan semua yang ada dalam situasi tersebut. (wajib bahasa melayu)
  • 3.       Tell the interviewer about the career pathway of a medical student after graduated.( wajib bahasa inggeris)
  • 4.       Tentang cabaran dalam hidup dan hobi anda yang unik.(wajib bahasa melayu)
  • 5.       Kawan anda seorang yang susah dan sudah kehilangan bapa. Dia mempunyai adik yang sakit dan memerlukan rawatan. Kos penjagaannya juga mahal. Oleh itu dia berazam untuk melanjutkan pelajaran dalam perubatan. Semasa peperiksaan akhir matrikulasi, anda duduk dibelakangnya dan mendapati dia mengeluarkan nota dari stokinnya untuk ditiru. Apakah tindakan anda?

Okay tadi saya cakap ada 7 checkpoints active kan. All I’ve listed above is consultant. Another 2 checkpoints was writing. So don’t forget to bring pen okay? ermm during interview try to keep the eye contact with the panels. Itu yang paling penting!

     Ermm cari tips tentang temuduga. Oh btw, interview saya ni kat USM. So for those yang dapat USM tu prepare for the unexpected. Cari tentang history usm, Apex university, campus di usm. So , I wish you all the best. Hehehehe well actually saya pun baru je hadiri temuduga ni so tak tahu result dia apa. But for sure Im hoping for the best la kan. InsyaAllah . BYE!πŸ’¨πŸ’˜